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About Fairview Mortgage Corp.

Fairview Mortgage Corporation is licensed in New York State, New Jersey, and Connecticut, and is a full service mortgage brokerage firm, with extensive resources to help you obtain the mortgage that best suits your financial and lifestyle needs.  

Our Mortgage Specialists are experienced and professionally trained to provide the highest level of service to you, our clients.

We understand that the mortgage process, with the wide variety of mortgage options available today, can be confusing, so our goal is to walk you through every step in this process.

We specialize in helping you obtain a first mortgage, second mortgage, refinancing or a line of credit using the equity in your home.

We are available to answer your questions, either by phone or by email to our Mortgage Specialists. You are never alone in obtaining the answers you need.

Give us a call today at 516-541-6700 for a free, personalized consultation. You can also apply online. It is fast, secure, and easy.

Why wait? Let us go to work for you!